About our Worthing funeral home

191 South Farm Road, Worthing, BN14 7TW

About our Worthing funeral home

Whichever type of funeral you choose, our Worthing Funeral Directors are here to offer their support and take care of arranging your loved one’s funeral. Should you choose an Attended Funeral, the service can be tailored to your unique wishes to allow you, family and friends to pay your respects in the most personal and loving way. Our purpose built funeral home is located on Worthing’s South Farm Road, where our team are honoured to serve the families of the town, along with those living in the nearby villages, including Findon and Steyning. Inside of our Worthing funeral home, you will find 2 Chapels of Rest for if you choose to spend time with your loved one before the funeral. Each Chapel of Rest has comfort and privacy at the heart of the design, so families can have a peaceful environment to reflect and remember.

To arrange a funeral for your loved one, please call our funeral home on 01903200835 today.

Team image

Meet our team

We have proudly provided funeral care to Worthing for more than 100 years, with a team who aim to support families with professional care, guidance and advice so you can reach significant decisions surrounding your loved one’s funeral. We hope to calm any feelings of uncertainty or concern you may be feeling, so you can think with ease and are clear on how to proceed.

To everyone who enters our care, we hope you know that you are not alone. If you would like to work with us to arrange a funeral for someone very dear to you, please call us as soon as you need us.

Our services

With two packages available, we will be able to arrange the funeral you have in mind for your loved one.

If you’re looking for a traditional or contemporary funeral with a service, you should consider our Attended Funeral. If you want us to arrange a simple cremation without mourners present, our Unattended Funeral may better suit your needs.

View our Standardised Price List, Additional Options Price List and Crematoria Price List.

How to find us


Speak to our team 24 hours a day on:

Our Address

191 South Farm Road
Worthing, BN14 7TW

Opening Hours

Day of the WeekHours
Monday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Directions and Parking

We are on South Farm Road, opposite the old Broadwater Cemetery. You can park for free at our funeral home.

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